The Gut-Skin Connection: A Transformation Story

The primary organs of our bodies that experience and interact with the outside world are the skin and the gut. Both play the biggest roles of our immune systems defences. Since our skin is visible to us we can easily see if we are suffering from inflammation to our skin, but we cannot see if we experience inflammation in our gut. The thing is they are very interconnected and generally if one is experiencing inflammation so is the other. So if you are experiencing inflammation of the skin whether it is acne or a rash, addressing your gut health is a step in the right direction.

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Breast Cancer and Estrogen Dominance

Breast cancer is the second most common cancer among women and also the second leading cause of cancer death in women. Thankfully the death rates have been gradually declining, most likely due to better screening and possibly better treatments. However, the incidence rates of breast cancer have been increasing. This means our reactive healthcare when it comes to breast cancer is doing a decent job, but our proactive healthcare needs some work. This means putting more emphasis on addressing the root causes of breast cancer. Unfortunately, there is no single answer as to what causes breast cancer and there is still a lot to be learned, but researchers believe that Estrogen Dominance is a very likely culprit in many cases of breast cancer and other hormone-driven cancers like cervical, ovarian, uterine, vaginal, and vulvar. This is because estrogen promotes cellular growth in the breast and reproductive organ tissues and cancer is a disorder of unrestrained cellular growth. 

Estrogen dominance is one of the most common hormone imbalance problems for women. This imbalance can lead to many issues because estrogen has hundreds of functions in our body. Estrogen is involved in so much more than just our fertility. It has roles in bone formation and bone health, brain function, gut health and more.

Dietary Recommendations

Fill up with Fibre

One of the most basic yet powerful things you can do to help balance your hormones, be proactive about breast cancer, and support yourself during the big fight is making sure you are getting enough fibre. This is because fibre helps keep toxins and estrogen-like products in your gut out of your bloodstream. As long as you are getting enough water along with fibre, it also helps with constipation. Constipation is something that can lead to excess estrogen because the longer your waste sits there, the more time your “not so friendly” bacteria and pathogens have to de-conjugate estrogen that has already been detoxified by the body. So all the hard work your liver did binding and detoxifying estrogen gets undone just for it to be reabsorbed back into your body. A vicious cycle.

Cruciferous Vegetables, Dark Leafy Greens, and Apples Oh My!

These are some of the helpful compounds in foods to focus on.

Calcium D-Glucarate

Calcium D-Glucarate is found in grapefruit, apples, oranges, broccoli, and Brussels sprouts. Scientists are discovering that it appears to protect against cancer and other diseases because it inhibits the beta-glucuronidase enzyme. This allows glucuronidation to take place, a detoxification process that occurs when toxins or carcinogens are combined with water-soluble substances, making them more easily removed from the body.

Indole-3-carbinol (I-3C)

Indole-3-carbinol (I-3C) is a phytochemical that helps to balance hormones and fight breast cancer. Foods high in this are broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, kale, dark leafy greens, and apples. Our body can break down estrogen into either 16-alpha-hydroxyestrone (promotes the growth of breast tumors) or 2-hydroxyestrone (does not stimulate breast cancer cells). Increasing your intake of I-3C, for example 500mg of broccoli per day, improves the ratio of good to bad estrogen breakdown products. Broccoli sprouts is an even better option as the concentration of I-C3 is much higher. 1lb of broccoli sprouts is equivalent to 40lb of broccoli for nutrients.


Sulphoraphane has been shown to stimulate the body’s production of detoxification enzymes that help eliminate xenoestrogens. This, along with it being a powerful antioxidant, can help to balance hormones and help support the fight against breast cancer. Sulphoraphane is found in all cruciferous vegetables.

Flaxseed is what we need!

Flaxseed is great at helping to balance hormones and can offer significant protection against breast cancer. This is because it is rich in the short-chain omega-3 fatty acid alpha-linolenic acid (ALA). Studies have shown that breast cancer patients generally have lower ALA levels. One study, with 121 women that initially had localized breast cancer, showed that low levels of ALA was associated with the cancer spreading into the armpit lymph nodes and tumor invasiveness. This is an important finding as it is the spread of breast cancer that can lead to death.

Try supplementing with 1 Tbsp flaxseed oil (approximately 58% ALA) daily. Flaxseed oil can also be used for salad dressing and other meal options, but it is not recommended to heat it as it can denature the oil. Flaxseed is also a great source of lignans, phytoestrogens that can help interfere with the cancer-promoting effects of estrogen.

Lignans and other phytoestrogens also increase the sex hormone binding compound globulin, which can help escort excess estrogen out of the body. Other good sources of lignans include: seeds, whole grains, berries, fruits, vegetables (especially broccoli and sprouts), and nuts.

In one study, 50 women recently diagnosed with breast cancer were divided into two groups. One group was given a muffin with 2 tbsp of ground flaxseed each day and the other group was given a regular muffin each day. When the tumors were removed a month later, the women who were eating the flaxseed muffins had slower growing tumors compared to the placebo group.

Tip: In some cases of breast cancer soy can help decrease growth of breast cancer cells, but in other cases it has been found to increase it. If you are in the big fight, it may be best to limit or avoid soy. Another thing to avoid unless you are extremely anemic would be iron supplementation as it can feed pathogens and tumors.

These dietary recommendations are just the tip of the iceberg, but can help make a difference. There are plenty of other foods to include for their benefits (and some to avoid for their risk) as well as supplements to help balance hormones and support the fight against breast cancer.

Did you know you can actually have low estrogen and still have Estrogen Dominance?

Signs and symptoms of Estrogen Dominance include:

  • “My period cramps are so awful I want to cut out my uterus”

  • “I’m so bloated I can’t see my feet”

  • “On a scale of between a rock and a hard place, my sex drive leans more toward the rock”

  • “My acne is so persistent it’s going to end up having a real estate war with wrinkles”

  • And more…

If you are looking to kick that Estrogen Dominance to the curb, then check out my Healthy Hormones program:

Take advantage of the Early Bird 50% Off Discount while it lasts!

Crystals 101: The Heart Chakra

During this frigid February we are experiencing (at least the majority of us in North America), I have been hearing a common story. Many of us, myself included, are feeling simply blah. We want to stay at home and bundle up indoors. We miss the sunshine on those gray days and we would rather feel the green grass beneath our feet than feel nothing at all because too often our feet are so cold we literally feel nothing! However, we can’t blame our body for wanting to be lumpy and lazy in the winter when it’s biologically ingrained in us for survival.

On a more positive note, this is actually a great time for us to align our energetic body with the physical and look inward with our mind and spirit. This means giving yourself plenty of self-love. One of my favourite forms of self-love is by supporting my Heart Chakra with the help of crystals.

The Heart Chakra is nourished by colours of green and pink so naturally green and pink coloured crystals are the way to go for giving the Heart Chakra some love. In reality any crystal can be helpful with the right intent, but for beginners who are just dipping their toes into the world of crystals, starting with these colours makes that intuitive connection a little more clear.

My two favourite crystals for the Heart Chakra are Rose Quartz and Green Aventurine.


When I hold Rose Quartz in my hand I can feel the love and comfort. It also works wonders for releasing emotional stress. Green Aventurine has more of a relaxing effect and increases tranquility. When I hold Green Aventurine I tend to actually smile because I feel happy and hopeful with a positive outlook. So if you feel like adding some crystal friends to your life with the intent of supporting the Heart Chakra and all matters of love I recommend starting with these two. There is also an additional “boost” when the crystals are heart shaped!

“Our first and last love is self-love.” - Christian Nestell Bovee

You are loved.


Essential Oil of the Week #3 - Jasmine

This month of February I am going to be focusing on adding some flower essential oils into my life. The first flower Essential Oil I tried was Jasmine.

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Jasmine is also referred to “Queen of the Night” because it usually blossoms during the night. I first encountered the scent of Jasmine as a child. I remember my mom would use a Jasmine scented bedtime lotion. Did you know that scent often ties back to our memory more than our other senses? I love how a simple scent can take me back to an emotion or event in the past. When I tried Jasmine Essential Oil before bed, it brought me right back to comfort and feeling joyfully soothed. I put some on my wrist and inhaled slowly and deeply. It was like sticking my face in a bouquet of them and drinking in their essence, ahhh. It is a lovely scent to fall asleep with, unless of course your dog licks it all of before you can even fall asleep. It happens to be one of my dogs favourite oils and is non-toxic to dogs, cats, and horses.

So as part of my Self-Love theme of February, I will be using Jasmine Essential Oil before bed each day this week and then try a new one next week!

Something new I want try is using it as a safe body fragrance. Jasmine can actually help regulate your hormones, whereas perfume (a synthetic) disrupts your hormones. Like many other flower oils, it can also soothe and moisturize skin. Jasmine blends well with other flower oils as well as Sandalwood and some citrus oils.

As always, wishing you all health and happiness!


Essential Oil of the Week #2 - Clove Bud

Hey Everyone!

This is week 2 of the “Essential Oil of the Week” Blog Series and Clove Bud is in the spotlight this week!

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Clove Bud Essential Oil is one of my favourite oils this time of year. The warm, spicy, woody aroma reinforces those autumn vibes in us and brings that nostalgic feel of the winter holiday season. Our ancestors were definitely on to something by using clove this time of year, because it is when our Immune System needs extra support and Clove is the perfect helper! Why? Because it has antimicrobial properties including actings as an antibacterial, antifungal, and insecticidal. It is also an antioxidant!

Here are some ways you can start using Clove Bud Essential Oil:

1. Oral Hygiene: I have been including it in my toothpaste and mouthwash to help support the microbiome of my mouth. Scientific studies are showing the health of the mouth affects the health of the rest of the body a lot more than we may suspect! After all, it is one of the main areas of our body where we take in exposures from the outside world.

2. Cleaning: Just like I use it to keep my mouth clean I also use it to keep my house clean! I always add some to my homemade surface cleaner to help as an antibacterial agent. It turns cleaning into an aromatic experience whereas when I was using conventional cleaners I would get a headache and be exposed to who knows what kinds of harmful chemicals.

3. Food: I have been using Clove Bud Essential Oil in place of cloves for any of my recipes that call for it and even adding it to a few that didn’t call for cloves just for some fun flavour.

Would you like to learn some more about how to use Lavender Essential Oil safely? Grab a FREE “Essential Oils for Beginners - Clover” Booklet:

If you would like to try a sample of Clove Bud Essential Oil for yourself, complete the form below and click “Send Me a FREE Clove Bud Essential Oil Sample”:

Wishing you all health, happiness, and relaxation! Stay tuned for next week’s Essential Oil!


How Is The Immune System Affected By Sleep?

November is a common month for our Immune System to be working hard or become compromised. So for this month of November, I will be doing a blog series with some tips and tricks of how to keep your Immune System in good health. The first topic we will explore is how our sleep can affect our Immune System.

Did you know that half the population suffers from poor sleep quality because they have a hard time falling asleep or staying asleep? On top of that many more just don’t get enough sleep for optimal health. Before the invention of the good old light bulb, we would rise and retire with the sun which usually meant we were getting a good 8-10 hours of sleep. In our modern-day society we have extended our days to get more done, but at what cost?

A lot of us have experienced an all-nighter before and some of the common effects afterwards such as mood imbalances, concentration problems, and being ravenously hungry! Well, things on the inside aren’t as pretty either. When we lose valuable sleep (quality OR quantity) we burn through our immune boosting nutrients like Vitamin C, Zinc, and Magnesium much faster leaving our defenses weaker.

“Scientists have measured the body’s ability to fight off infections when it is tired, and research has shown that sleep deprived individuals have a reduction in natural killer cells, a type of immune cell needed for resistance against invaders.” - Optimum Nutrition for the Mind

So, what are some simple habits we can do to get a better night’s sleep? Here are my top 3 recommendations:

  1. Magnesium: Many of you have heard of melatonin being a big player in our sleep-wake cycles, well magnesium is one of it’s sidekicks. It also helps calm our muscles and nervous system so quite helpful for unwinding the body after a long day. Much of our soil nowadays is deficient in magnesium so we are not getting as much in our diets and supplementation is often recommended. My favourite way to get Magnesium into the body is through epsom salt baths because it is absorbed easier through our skin than internally. Now, if you are like me and you don’t have time for a bath or are just not a bath person, epsom salt foot baths are your friend! There are also some topical creams out there too!

  2. Meditation: Meditation does not have to be sitting still for an hour Om-ing yourself into oblivion! All it takes is 5 minutes if that! Just get in a comfortable position, better yet lie down in preparation for sleep, close your eyes and breathe in and out slowly and deeply. If you are a beginner and need some guidance there are various short guided meditations on YouTube or other online sources that can walk you through it step by step. Technically we want to avoid technology before bed for a better sleep, but since it is FOR sleep, we will let it slide.

  3. Lavender Essential Oil: Lavender Essential Oil is well known for its soothing and relaxing properties that help promote a good night’s sleep. I like to diffuse it in my bedroom before bed and I also apply it to the back of my neck, shoulders and the soles of my feet for super absorption. Spraying a mist over your pillow can also do the trick!


These are just a few of the things you can add to your bedtime routine to prepare your body for the rejuvenating sleep your Immune System needs. Stay tuned for the next Immune System Health blog in the series!

Essential Oil of the Week #1 - Lavender

Hey Everyone!

This is week 1 of the “Essential Oil of the Week” Blog Series and Lavender gets the honour of being first.

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Lavender Essential Oil has been used for many centuries for its floral scent and soothing qualities. It is often one of the “always have on hand” and “never go without” oils for many because of its relaxing properties. Since I started using it myself I can see why it is considered such a go-to oil for its multiple uses:

1. Relaxation: I find applying some to the back of my neck and shoulders helps melt away feelings of anxiety, stress, and tension. If I’m in the need for quick relief I just smell it right out of the bottle or put a drop in my hands, rub them together, and breathe in deep a few times. Ahhhh.

2. Sleep: Part of my bedtime routine is putting 3-4 drops in my diffuser before bed, applying it to the back of my neck, shoulders, and soles of my feet. Yes, my smelly post 10-hour shift feet. Not only does this help my feet smell better, it also helps me feel grounded to the earth before bed. The soles of our feet also have large pores, no sebaceous glands, and less sensitive skin, all of which make it easier for Essential Oils applied there to be absorbed faster and more effectively into our bodies.

3. Soothes Skin: Whether your skin is dry and flaky or you have some cuts and scrapes, Lavender Essential Oil can be your skin’s hero. Unless of course you are allergic to it like one of my best friends! One reason why I always recommend trying a new Essential Oil via test patch first! Lavender Essential Oil can help moisturize your skin and has antiseptic qualities ideal for applying to cuts and scrapes.

Would you like to learn some more about how to use Lavender Essential Oil safely? Grab a FREE “Essential Oils for Beginners - Lavender” Booklet:

If you would like to try a sample of Lavender Essential Oil for yourself, complete the form below and click “Send Me a FREE Lavender Essential Oil Sample”:

Wishing you all health, happiness, and relaxation! Stay tuned for next week’s Essential Oil!
