Essential Oil of the Week #3 - Jasmine

This month of February I am going to be focusing on adding some flower essential oils into my life. The first flower Essential Oil I tried was Jasmine.

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Jasmine is also referred to “Queen of the Night” because it usually blossoms during the night. I first encountered the scent of Jasmine as a child. I remember my mom would use a Jasmine scented bedtime lotion. Did you know that scent often ties back to our memory more than our other senses? I love how a simple scent can take me back to an emotion or event in the past. When I tried Jasmine Essential Oil before bed, it brought me right back to comfort and feeling joyfully soothed. I put some on my wrist and inhaled slowly and deeply. It was like sticking my face in a bouquet of them and drinking in their essence, ahhh. It is a lovely scent to fall asleep with, unless of course your dog licks it all of before you can even fall asleep. It happens to be one of my dogs favourite oils and is non-toxic to dogs, cats, and horses.

So as part of my Self-Love theme of February, I will be using Jasmine Essential Oil before bed each day this week and then try a new one next week!

Something new I want try is using it as a safe body fragrance. Jasmine can actually help regulate your hormones, whereas perfume (a synthetic) disrupts your hormones. Like many other flower oils, it can also soothe and moisturize skin. Jasmine blends well with other flower oils as well as Sandalwood and some citrus oils.

As always, wishing you all health and happiness!
