
What is Reiki?

Reiki (pronounced Ray-Key) is a spiritually guided life force energy. Rei - means God's Wisdom or Higher Power and Ki - means life force energy. Reiki is a Japanese healing technique, administered by using light touch or no touch at all. It relaxes the body and reduces stress which in turn promotes healing on all levels - mind, body & spirit. Reiki helps to remove any emotional or physical blockages and brings the body into proper flow and balance, making the body more capable of effectively healing itself. It is our connection to the universal energy that surrounds every living thing. Reiki will go exactly where it is needed. The healing energy of Reiki will start to move through the body and will begin to remove blockages and congestion in the energy fields which are preventing the recipient from being in balance. These blockages in the energy field could be caused by repressed emotions, traumas, limiting beliefs and stress. This causes the naturally healthy flow of energy to become blocked, leading to areas of the body becoming prone to illness and disease. Reiki is not a substitute for conventional medical care. There is a place for both conventional medical care and alternative healing. Conventional medical care can be required and Reiki can help with any side effects and pain. Reiki also serves to deepen our spiritual unfoldment and connects us with the pure love and compassion that exists. 

What are the benefits of Reiki?

There are so many benefits to receiving Reiki energy. Reiki works on the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual levels enhancing everything in life. Reiki can help people who are suffering from various major and minor ailments. Reiki promotes self-healing properties in the body and can only do good. 

Reiki also:
- Promotes harmony & balance
- Creates deep relaxation and helps the body release stress and tension
- Dissolves energy blocks and promotes natural balance between mind, body, and spirit
- Assists the body in cleansing itself from toxins and supports the immune system
- Clears the mind and improves focus as you feel grounded and centred
- Aids better sleep
- Helps relieve pain and supports the physical body healing
- Helps spiritual growth and emotional cleansing
- Compliments medical treatment & other therapies

Are there any side effects?

If a person who receives Reiki has traumas, sadness or trapped emotion stored in their body, they may have a lot come up. Sometimes the experience of the release can be very uncomfortable. The release can happen in many different ways and everyone has their own experience with it. The release could come through as crying or laughter or you may experience some common side effects such as a cold, sore throat, fever, headache, stomach upsets, sweating or chills. It's also not uncommon to have gas, but you are in a safe space of release so let 'er rrrrrip!

You could also start to see shifts happening in your every day life. Life will start to change to align you with what you need and not necessarily with what you want. Your relationships could change, your career, location, pretty much anything and everything. Remember it is all changing to bring you to exactly where you need to be. 

Even though it is uncomfortable to go through any of these processes, it is a good sign as it shows the body is cleansing as part of the healing process.  

Reiki Services

60 Minute Session - $90.00

In these session I incorporate Usui and Karuna™ Reiki, Crystals, and Essential Oils (optional) for the ultimate relaxation experience. As you relax I will help clear your aura and balance your chakras to revitalize your body, spirit, and mind.

Contact me to inquire about a session at Elementum Therapeutic Massage + Movement 7718 104 St NW Suite 202D, Edmonton, AB T6E 4C5, in your home, or via distance. Couple rates available as well.
