Essential Oil of the Week #2 - Clove Bud

Hey Everyone!

This is week 2 of the “Essential Oil of the Week” Blog Series and Clove Bud is in the spotlight this week!

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Clove Bud Essential Oil is one of my favourite oils this time of year. The warm, spicy, woody aroma reinforces those autumn vibes in us and brings that nostalgic feel of the winter holiday season. Our ancestors were definitely on to something by using clove this time of year, because it is when our Immune System needs extra support and Clove is the perfect helper! Why? Because it has antimicrobial properties including actings as an antibacterial, antifungal, and insecticidal. It is also an antioxidant!

Here are some ways you can start using Clove Bud Essential Oil:

1. Oral Hygiene: I have been including it in my toothpaste and mouthwash to help support the microbiome of my mouth. Scientific studies are showing the health of the mouth affects the health of the rest of the body a lot more than we may suspect! After all, it is one of the main areas of our body where we take in exposures from the outside world.

2. Cleaning: Just like I use it to keep my mouth clean I also use it to keep my house clean! I always add some to my homemade surface cleaner to help as an antibacterial agent. It turns cleaning into an aromatic experience whereas when I was using conventional cleaners I would get a headache and be exposed to who knows what kinds of harmful chemicals.

3. Food: I have been using Clove Bud Essential Oil in place of cloves for any of my recipes that call for it and even adding it to a few that didn’t call for cloves just for some fun flavour.

Would you like to learn some more about how to use Lavender Essential Oil safely? Grab a FREE “Essential Oils for Beginners - Clover” Booklet:

If you would like to try a sample of Clove Bud Essential Oil for yourself, complete the form below and click “Send Me a FREE Clove Bud Essential Oil Sample”:

Wishing you all health, happiness, and relaxation! Stay tuned for next week’s Essential Oil!
