How Is The Immune System Affected By Sleep?

November is a common month for our Immune System to be working hard or become compromised. So for this month of November, I will be doing a blog series with some tips and tricks of how to keep your Immune System in good health. The first topic we will explore is how our sleep can affect our Immune System.

Did you know that half the population suffers from poor sleep quality because they have a hard time falling asleep or staying asleep? On top of that many more just don’t get enough sleep for optimal health. Before the invention of the good old light bulb, we would rise and retire with the sun which usually meant we were getting a good 8-10 hours of sleep. In our modern-day society we have extended our days to get more done, but at what cost?

A lot of us have experienced an all-nighter before and some of the common effects afterwards such as mood imbalances, concentration problems, and being ravenously hungry! Well, things on the inside aren’t as pretty either. When we lose valuable sleep (quality OR quantity) we burn through our immune boosting nutrients like Vitamin C, Zinc, and Magnesium much faster leaving our defenses weaker.

“Scientists have measured the body’s ability to fight off infections when it is tired, and research has shown that sleep deprived individuals have a reduction in natural killer cells, a type of immune cell needed for resistance against invaders.” - Optimum Nutrition for the Mind

So, what are some simple habits we can do to get a better night’s sleep? Here are my top 3 recommendations:

  1. Magnesium: Many of you have heard of melatonin being a big player in our sleep-wake cycles, well magnesium is one of it’s sidekicks. It also helps calm our muscles and nervous system so quite helpful for unwinding the body after a long day. Much of our soil nowadays is deficient in magnesium so we are not getting as much in our diets and supplementation is often recommended. My favourite way to get Magnesium into the body is through epsom salt baths because it is absorbed easier through our skin than internally. Now, if you are like me and you don’t have time for a bath or are just not a bath person, epsom salt foot baths are your friend! There are also some topical creams out there too!

  2. Meditation: Meditation does not have to be sitting still for an hour Om-ing yourself into oblivion! All it takes is 5 minutes if that! Just get in a comfortable position, better yet lie down in preparation for sleep, close your eyes and breathe in and out slowly and deeply. If you are a beginner and need some guidance there are various short guided meditations on YouTube or other online sources that can walk you through it step by step. Technically we want to avoid technology before bed for a better sleep, but since it is FOR sleep, we will let it slide.

  3. Lavender Essential Oil: Lavender Essential Oil is well known for its soothing and relaxing properties that help promote a good night’s sleep. I like to diffuse it in my bedroom before bed and I also apply it to the back of my neck, shoulders and the soles of my feet for super absorption. Spraying a mist over your pillow can also do the trick!


These are just a few of the things you can add to your bedtime routine to prepare your body for the rejuvenating sleep your Immune System needs. Stay tuned for the next Immune System Health blog in the series!