Essential Oil of the Week #1 - Lavender

Hey Everyone!

This is week 1 of the “Essential Oil of the Week” Blog Series and Lavender gets the honour of being first.

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Lavender Essential Oil has been used for many centuries for its floral scent and soothing qualities. It is often one of the “always have on hand” and “never go without” oils for many because of its relaxing properties. Since I started using it myself I can see why it is considered such a go-to oil for its multiple uses:

1. Relaxation: I find applying some to the back of my neck and shoulders helps melt away feelings of anxiety, stress, and tension. If I’m in the need for quick relief I just smell it right out of the bottle or put a drop in my hands, rub them together, and breathe in deep a few times. Ahhhh.

2. Sleep: Part of my bedtime routine is putting 3-4 drops in my diffuser before bed, applying it to the back of my neck, shoulders, and soles of my feet. Yes, my smelly post 10-hour shift feet. Not only does this help my feet smell better, it also helps me feel grounded to the earth before bed. The soles of our feet also have large pores, no sebaceous glands, and less sensitive skin, all of which make it easier for Essential Oils applied there to be absorbed faster and more effectively into our bodies.

3. Soothes Skin: Whether your skin is dry and flaky or you have some cuts and scrapes, Lavender Essential Oil can be your skin’s hero. Unless of course you are allergic to it like one of my best friends! One reason why I always recommend trying a new Essential Oil via test patch first! Lavender Essential Oil can help moisturize your skin and has antiseptic qualities ideal for applying to cuts and scrapes.

Would you like to learn some more about how to use Lavender Essential Oil safely? Grab a FREE “Essential Oils for Beginners - Lavender” Booklet:

If you would like to try a sample of Lavender Essential Oil for yourself, complete the form below and click “Send Me a FREE Lavender Essential Oil Sample”:

Wishing you all health, happiness, and relaxation! Stay tuned for next week’s Essential Oil!
