The Gut-Skin Connection: A Transformation Story

For those of you who don’t know, I’m a mother of twin girls. One of them was having a chronic rash for months and after working on supporting her gut it finally resolved. I wanted to share our story with you to give an example of how supporting the gut can help with skin issues.

My twins were born premature at 33.6 weeks old via cesarian section. Twin A was smaller, 3 lbs. 4 oz. and Twin B was the opposite, 4 lbs. 3 oz. They remained in NICU for 38 days mainly because they were learning to feed. Twin A was smaller so she needed to have the Enfamil extra calorie formula added to my breast milk. At one point they both had some regular formula in addition to my breast milk as well. I can’t recall if they had antibiotics, but either way they got antibiotics through me as I was given them.

When Twin A was around 8 months or so she started getting a rash around her mouth, eyes, and a little to the nose. It would come and go, but by the time she was about a year old it was pretty consistent and more inflamed. Sometimes it would get worse after eating and minor drooling (still the case sometimes), but other times she would wake up even worse than when she went to bed. Topicals only helped minimally and temporarily.

I suspected the main cause had to do with her gut. I knew that she was more likely to have gut issues compared to her sister because of her smaller birth weight and the fact that she had to have extra Enfamil calorie formula (which didn’t have the best ingredients for a preemie gut). The fact that they were both born via c-section and had antibiotics would also contribute to gut issues. I didn’t start them on probiotics until they were a few months old because frankly I was so busy it slipped my mind. Apparently those probiotics alone were not enough to address Twin A’s gut issues in any case.

Luckily, I found something that has made such a difference! Now she only gets the odd dry skin (that good old Alberta dryness) around the mouth with a little pinkness that toddlers get from time to time. The chronic inflamed rash is finally resolved!

It took about 1-2 months of doing Microbiome Labs Total Gut Restoration Protocol. We will still be doing up to 3 months and then go to a maintenance protocol.

Check out the amazing difference after just a month:

The primary organs of our bodies that experience and interact with the outside world are the skin and the gut. Both play the biggest roles of our immune system defences. Since our skin is visible to us we can easily see if we are suffering from inflammation to our skin, but we cannot see if we experience inflammation in our gut. The thing is, they are very interconnected and generally if one is experiencing inflammation so is the other. So if you are experiencing inflammation of the skin whether it is acne or a rash, addressing your gut health is a step in the right direction.

If you would like more information about Microbiome Labs Total Gut Restoration Protocol or have any questions please feel free to contact me.