Crystals 101: The Heart Chakra

During this frigid February we are experiencing (at least the majority of us in North America), I have been hearing a common story. Many of us, myself included, are feeling simply blah. We want to stay at home and bundle up indoors. We miss the sunshine on those gray days and we would rather feel the green grass beneath our feet than feel nothing at all because too often our feet are so cold we literally feel nothing! However, we can’t blame our body for wanting to be lumpy and lazy in the winter when it’s biologically ingrained in us for survival.

On a more positive note, this is actually a great time for us to align our energetic body with the physical and look inward with our mind and spirit. This means giving yourself plenty of self-love. One of my favourite forms of self-love is by supporting my Heart Chakra with the help of crystals.

The Heart Chakra is nourished by colours of green and pink so naturally green and pink coloured crystals are the way to go for giving the Heart Chakra some love. In reality any crystal can be helpful with the right intent, but for beginners who are just dipping their toes into the world of crystals, starting with these colours makes that intuitive connection a little more clear.

My two favourite crystals for the Heart Chakra are Rose Quartz and Green Aventurine.


When I hold Rose Quartz in my hand I can feel the love and comfort. It also works wonders for releasing emotional stress. Green Aventurine has more of a relaxing effect and increases tranquility. When I hold Green Aventurine I tend to actually smile because I feel happy and hopeful with a positive outlook. So if you feel like adding some crystal friends to your life with the intent of supporting the Heart Chakra and all matters of love I recommend starting with these two. There is also an additional “boost” when the crystals are heart shaped!

“Our first and last love is self-love.” - Christian Nestell Bovee

You are loved.
